viernes, 20 de julio de 2012
Hellish frame for T.W.I.B # 3
Hell out there,
Since T.W.I.B zine needed some new better frames for its third issue back in 2010, I started off to create this one, based on demonic topics. As you can see, I drew some skeletons on top corner, with their arms spread, and the rest were horned demons, which helped out to built the concept.
Feel free to drop some feedback about it, Thanks.
jueves, 19 de julio de 2012
Tortured skull sketch
Hell- o out there,
Since this sketch seemed to gain alot of recognition during the time I uploaded to facebook, I think I should post here in my blog art aswell. What it started as a simple bus sketch during a doom driven travel home, If followed with a tortured photoshopped version of a very rough pencils, but with a lot of feedback for waht I´ve seen.
Personally I don´t think it is so killer design as many have stated, but this only demonstrates how unexpected fussy this artistic business is,right?
miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012
Marthyrium shirt design
As talked in previous post, here you are the final design shirt for Marthyrium Black Metal band, depicting an upsided down skull cross whic a goat skull on its top, and another different one on the "crossroads" made from both elements of the cross. In that skull I decided to add a sorrounding chain to give the skull a more metallic menacing vibe ( if possible), and rest of cross is made of human skulls, being inspired in the old Swedish Death Metal imaginery ( like Excruciate´s logo) and in the sentence given by Alvaro from the band , "summoning the scythe of human extinction".
Despite the design wasn´t used on shirts, Alvaro paid my work and kept the cross for future band designs, and would like to state He´s the most serious client I´ve ever had. I wish everybody in this business were like him...
Marthyrium sigil
Hell there,
When I got in touch with Black Metal band Marthyrium from Spain, they wanted to get a shirt design and a sigil for representing them, both phillosophically and visually. Due to this, I decided to work on a sigil based in an inverted triangle ( representing the inversion of Christian values), and adding a totalitarian touch to it, by drawing barbed wire and inverted crosses within. Further, I also wanted to give the design a some sort of personal one, therefore the "M" enclosed in the middle of the triangle, and to end the piece, I gave the triangle a dirty look by drawing spurts on it, representing its filth, and a reptilian tongue in the vertex, givint the final rendering the evil looking touch it needed.
In next post, I´ll write about their skull cross illustration I made for them.
Zarathustra interview frame for TWIB zine # 3
Going on with frame art topic, here I´ve uploaded a frame made for the interview I conducted years ago for German Black Metallers Zarathustra, for metal underground publication There where I belong zine # 3.
As usual in my way of frame working, I´ve tried to join as many similar elements as possible, creating something in communion with the philosophy//attitude of the client. Thus, I´ve drawn some sort of beholding time reaper, being sorrounded by an snake ( as shown in band´s artwork). Feel free to drop some feedback.
Fiery Path Distro frame
Hell there, these are different versions of a frame made for Spanish Underground Metal music distro called Fiery Path, originally intended as flyer frame. I really like the way it turned out, and symmetrics add a classy touch to its macabre vibe, isn´it?
martes, 17 de julio de 2012
Luxi Lahtinen´s b- day gift
As headline says, this is my birthday present to Luxi Lahtinen, cult Finnish illustrator (who made Death Metal band Avulsed logo, Abhorrence ep cover,or debut album cover and original Sentenced stuff, among others). Dedication is made in Finnish, saying something like "Fucking morbid birthday!!! Rot in Metal forever....".
Really cool, isn´t it?:-)
lunes, 16 de julio de 2012
Pest Bringer
Raising from the very bowells of my old archives from 2010, here I introduce you my supposedly zine mascot, the keeper of grimorium section called Pest bringer. Love all the idea, but have to admit my anatomical mistakes make the piece gets lowered in terms of quality. Anyway, still like it, taking into account how old the drawing is.
Heretical Rites logo sketch
Hi there, thanx to kind killer artist Daniel Desecrator, I got this commission from these Chileans metallers, which I decided to keep their original idea about lettering situation, adding a bit of my own blasphemous ideas (love those both "T" transformed in an antichrist sword or wathever it may be).
domingo, 15 de julio de 2012
Metal forces Fest sketch
Since people seems to see my art only focused to Death/Black Metal scene and imaginery, I´ve decided to upload this old logo sketch from 2010 which was supposed to be done for a German Heavy Metal festival, which unserious people wanted to get the logo for free... Anyway, I still love initial idea ( that "L" looking guitar is cool!!), and I think it could have been a killer one, what do you guys think??
Tentacular keeper frame
Iä, my R´yleh acolytes, here we go with another Lovercraft inspired frame, this time supposedly made from now defunct T.W.I.B ´zine. It was created as a tombstone from an Underground Metal music manifesto ( therefore it´s rocky texture and such). The tentucular guy beholding above is no more no less than our beloved Chtulhu, the prime evil and one of most famous cozy deities ever. Bow dow before the Master of Chaos, you infidels!!
Darker is cooler, of course!
Cthulhunian frame
As you can see, This frame from 2010 depicts my love for the work of cosmic Horror master H.P.Lovercraft ( and It also shows huge improvement form past framework, working on symmetrics and much more detail). I deeply love this one, and I´m very satisfied with how it turned out ( inverted version looks creepier and gloomier, likeee it very much!!).
Iä Iä!!!
Hi there everybody, time for another blog update with my old UG visions art logo art from 2010. I think it fits well to my horror drawing, looking creepy and macabre, isn´t it?.
viernes, 13 de julio de 2012
Lidl´s bald zombie
Based on the bald president of Spanish Lidl supermaket, back in ´10 I decided to make this funny drawing in order to get a cool one for Ataraxy debut cd layout. Despite anatomical mistakes and such, I still like the vibe of it.
martes, 10 de julio de 2012
Ascended flyer design
my art flyer design
Hell there, i´m proud to upload to my little space in the net my old ´09 published flyer art for killer Finnish death metallers Ascended, on which some some praying zombies are showcased raising from their tombs, ready to prey on the living. Kiitos to Lassi from the band for this opportunity, May the rotten spirit never dies!!
Final published piece
Romantic dinner
This is an sketch from 2009 aswell, depicting a zombie dinner, feasting on a not very lucky girl :-P, which was created under a bus trip and influenced by my Death Metal obssession. I don´t really know why I never finished it, since I still like the idea. Some day I guess....
Good Morning there, this is my idea for the logo of a German Death Metal band, working on symmetrics and crystal like texture in order to render it as classic (and classy) as possible. DEEPLY love this one, what do you guys think?? (Inverted version down below works better, isn´t it?)
Swamp dweller
Hi there, time for showing up my old Marvel comics character Man Thing sketch, back from 2009. Despite its anatomical mistakes, I still like the piece. (Photoshopped b/w version of coloured one attached below).
viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

Going on with Crude related topic, this time the guys behind decided
adding "domination" to it, so I went in a more satanic and gore way.
Last of tryouts, I swear!:-)
Testing with another ideas for CRUDE, I came up with this cool twisted wooden-like texture and lettering, which seems to be celebrated among prestige illustrators within Underground Metal scene, such as Putrid or Mark Riddick. What do you guys think?
jueves, 5 de julio de 2012
CRUDE logo
Influenced by the old Grave logo, I created this CRUDE lettering for a DM band from Spain. (Inverted version below) Love the Entangled chaos formed within, looks creepy!
miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012
Raven of Gallows sketch
Fellows, here I bring you a winged herald of sorrow and grief which sketched back in 2009. Nice idea, right? maybe I´ll finish it someday, who knows...
MUGRE # 2 cover
Back to 2009 with an oldie cover for MUGRE newsletter, depicting Mugrito, the zine monster pet created by me, showing his "discomfort" with some poor workers caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Life is sooo unfair... :-P
martes, 3 de julio de 2012
Avenger//Kaamos//Vomitory frames for TWIB´zine # 1
Avenger (Cz)
Here I am again, showing several frames I did back in 2002 for There where I Belong Metal publication. Being the first the one I did for Avenger (Cz) intie, and the next ones for demised deathsters Kaamos, and last one for the brutal squadron Vomitory. I tried to enclose as many related items from their respective albums as I could, enjoy them.
Freezing Gargoyle
This time I uploaded an old illo from ´09, depicting my obssession for Lovercraftian monsters. Those of you Metallers out there can recognize my little Mayhem tribute on it??:-).
MUGRE newsletter logo
Mourning to u all, this time I uploaded a cool logo I made from the newsletter of Edu, bass player from Death Metallers ATARAXY. I think it reeks from putrid UG essence, perfect for an handtyping extreme Metal publication, right?? (Inverted version down below).
lunes, 2 de julio de 2012
Merrimack´s sigil contest
Hell there, this is my rendition for a sigil contest from Black Metallers Merrimack back in 2009. Since they preach Orthodox satanism, I decided to put a cross ending in a serpent, meaning evilness in church, and two inverted triangles, representing Evil (as average triangle represents christian god). Cheerz.
Entropy Angel design
Hi again, As you can read, I´ve uploaded an old design from 2009 called "Entropy angel", which was originally intended for the French Black Metal music band Merrimack. This Reptilian angel was originally meant to be some sort of apocalypse satanic angel, but under Orthodox religious views ( therefore the praying attitude and such.). Being first one original idea, and down below under photoshop manipulation. Hope you like.
domingo, 1 de julio de 2012
Punk lizard for Estrambóticos magazine # 4

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